Sledding and Biking


Last updated April 13 2020

Sled Riding.  We had more than one good sled riding trails.  First, we could start at the top of Bly Street and sled ride down to Royal Street.  The advantage to this little traffic, and a nice hill, and about 200 feet long  The disadvantage was possible cross traffic on  Royal Street or not stopping and running into the curb or building at the end of Bly Street.  For the more  distance and adventures., you could go to the top of Royal Street then up Nettie.  The toral distance was about a quarter of a mile.  There were three possible hazards.  Cinders at the corner of Bly Street and Gershon Street. and a terminus at East Street.  Another good run was down Gershon Street, another quarter mile or so depending on how far up you wanted to go. It also terminated at Royal Street

Biking.  Royal and Gershon streets were not only good for sledding, but also biking  But sometimes not so good .  Rusty recalled the Joe Heinzs’, our policeman neighbor,  son riding his English racing bike from the top of Royal Street. A great ride on blacktop until  the corner of Royal Street and Bly Street, Royal street went from smooth to cobble stones. He went end over end and the bike was trashed.  Another time, George Driver was riding his bike down Gershon Street when the chain broke.  He ended up crashing  into the front door of the Wagner house at the end of Gershon and across Royal Street.

During the summer, we would often ride our bikes to North Park to go swimming.  We would leave in the morning and not be back home until dinner.

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